plz help

Timothy A. Seufert
Sat May 18 12:49:00 2002

At 4:11 AM -0700 5/18/02, Asif Hadi wrote:

>So met with this i use the bootx app instead of the extension. And
>that goes well enough, with linux installation system starting up (ram
>file uncompressing,.yada yada yada) until it gets to the following
>(i am qouting the last few lines on the screen):
>Freeing unused kernel memory: 312k init 8 chrp 8 prep
>attempt to access beyond end of device
>01:00 : rw=0,want=8198,limit=8192
>Ext fs error (device ramdisk(1,0)): ext2_read_inode: unable to read
>inode block-inode=1020, block=819)
>Warning=unable to open initial console
>01:00:rw=0,want=8198, limit 8192
>Ext fs error (deviceramdisk(1,0)):ext2_read_inode: unable to read
>inode block_inode=1017,block=8197)

>Has this smthing to do with insufficient memory? Is there a
>workaround?? Any help would be much appreaciated.
>Thx Asif

It looks like BootX has told the kernel to set up for a 8192 KB 
RAMdisk, and the boot RAMdisk is actually larger than that, leading 
to the "attempt to access beyond end of device" messages and 
associated errors from other parts of the kernel.  Try setting BootX 
for a 16384 KB RAMdisk.

BTW, I think that you may actually run into problems with a 32MB 
machine during install, since you're going to be taking up 16MB for 
the RAMdisk -- but go ahead and try, it's worth a shot.
Tim Seufert