Mol and kernel 2.4.19-pre8

Geert Janssens
Tue May 21 07:59:01 2002


I have compiled and installed benh's 2.4.19-pre8 kernel, compiled mol 
and mol-kmods 0.9.63 from source rpm and installed it.

When I run startmol --loadonly as root, I get the following warnings:
Loading Mac-on-Linux kernel module:
Warning: loading /usr/lib/mol/0.9.63/modules/2.4.19-pre8/mol.o will 
taint the kernel: forced load
Loading SheepNet ethernet kernel module:
Warning: loading /usr/lib/mol/0.9.63/modules/2.4.19-pre8/sheep_net.o 
will taint the kernel: forced load

When I then execute lsmod to see if the modules were loaded, I get:
Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: GF
macserial              38868   0
serial                 51048   0  (autoclean)
sheep_net               4776   0  (unused)
mol                    37840   0  (unused)

So the modules seem to be loaded, although there is a message of a 
Tainted kernel.

Next, when I try to run mol as an ordinary user (as I used to do with an 
older version of kernel&mol) I get
Copyright (C) 1997-2002 Samuel Rydh <>
Version 0.9.63
Error: The MOL kernel module is not loaded

And mol fails to start !

What is wrong here ? User too stupid or a bug ?

I don't understand this. Can anybody enlighten me a bit ?

Thank you,