auto-starting daemons on startup

Stefan Jeglinski
Tue May 21 14:36:01 2002

>I'm curious why these observations are as they are. As an 
>experiment, I changed S55sshd to S93sshd, but running ntsysv caused 
>it to be changed back to S55. What directory does ntsysv/chkconfig 
>parse to get its information? And to where does it write after 
>changes have been made (besides rc#.d)? It almost seems like there 
>is a common set of daemons that can be started/stopped with 
>ntsysv/chkconfig, to the exclusion of all others (?)

OK, post the question, then answer it for oneself :-)

in the init.d script there must also at least be a line like this:

# chkconfig: 2345 92 25

2345 are the run levels which apply
92 is the startup priority (S92...)
25 is the shutdown priority (K25...) (?)

Not clear if lines like these -must- appear:

# description: ProFTPD server daemon
# processname: proftpd
# config: /etc/proftpd.conf
# pidfile: /var/run/

Stefan Jeglinski