new ibook 2002 install success

Stefan Jeglinski
Wed Nov 20 13:15:01 2002

Christopher Murtagh waxed eloquently:

>Ahh, hold on right there. This is likely the cause of your problems.
>Before you complain about the quality of the OS/installer, do yourself a
>favor and follow these instructions:
>You should create the ext2, boot and swap partitions while installing YDL,
>*NOT* with OS X's utility. I'm actually surprised you got as far as you
>did without partitioning.

I just love having my head handed to me on a plate :-) 'nuff said.

OK, I can boot into RL3 by selecting the linux-novideo option in 
yaboot (it is correct to say I'm in yaboot at that point? Or am I in 
ybin? Or open firmware? This is my first Linux on new-world 
experience). Booting using the linux option won't go (screen goes 
black) because clearly I can't run accelerated (no surprise there).

I have fbdev set in X, but I'm getting an "AddScreen/ScreenInit 
failed for driver 0" error as a result of startx. Not sure if that's 
a killer or if the X config step in the installer wrote a file that 
needs culling. Working on it now.

Stefan Jeglinski