Changing timeout when using DHCP on interfaces

nathan r. hruby
Mon Oct 21 14:50:01 2002

On Monday, October 21, 2002, at 04:28 PM, Christopher Murtagh wrote:

> On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Stephen Hocking wrote:
>> I have an iBook, which has both its internal ethernet and an airport
>> card.  When I don't have it plugged into an ethernet cable, the boot
>> process takes a horrensously long time when attempting to bring up 
>> eth0.
>> Is there any way I can shorten the timeout on this without removing the
>> request altogether?
>  Sorry, I don't have an answer for this one either, but would be
> interested in the solution. I have tried changing the max time in the 
> pump
> config file (sorry it was a while ago, so I don't remember exactly 
> where,
> and my iBook is sleeping in my backpack), but this didn't do anything.
> The thing that also bites, is that if you use the SunGEM driver, and the
> laptop is not connected to anything, it will spit out:

Y'all could set it to not come up at boot but set to to be user 
controllable and then bring it up when you need it,
in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
edit ONBOOT to be NO and add USERCTL=YES (or maybe it's USERNETCTL 
now... )

Then you can use 'usernetctl eth0 up'  (or just use ifup, it called 
usernetstl as well) if you need the interface.  you could even do 
something like this in /etc/init.d/rc.local

read -n1 -p "Should I try to enable eth0 for you now? [y/N]" BOOL
if [ "$BOOL" = 'y' ]; then
   echo ""
   /sbin/ifup eth0 up
   echo "\nOk then.. have a nice day"


nathan hruby -
computer services specialist
uga drama