Power Management applet

Michael Baer yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Oct 24 14:42:01 2002

>>>>> "briner" == work  <briner> writes:

    briner> hi folks, does someone know how to get the applet of power
    briner> management which you use in kde to show you on a
    briner> taskbarIcon the level of the battery.

Well, I'm using YD 2.2 with a KDE 3.0 Beta. But with for what it is
worth, on my machine in control center and there is a check box to
'Show Battery Monitor':

KDE Control Center -> Power Control-> Battery Monitor -> 'Show Battery
Monitor' check box.

    briner> This option was preinstalled on ydl2.2 but not anymore in
    briner> 2.3

hope this helps
