Bug-fix for YDL 2.3 apt-get -- /etc/apt/source.list

Roger Chrisman yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Sep 10 12:33:01 2002


I don't know if this /etc/apt/sources.list script bug has been reported yet. 
If it could be mentioned prominently on the apt-get area of the Yellow Dog 
Web site it would indeed help other YDL 2.3 users like me.

I have sent this message to suggest@yellowdoglinux.com. I hope it will 
make it to the apt-get area of the Web site. :-)

                       Bug-fix for YDL 2.3 apt-get


apt-get wont update qt for me; says I already have latest version.

(But I do not have the latest version of qt. I have the buggy qt from YDL 2.3 
-- from the YDL 2.3 CD distro -- that causes an infuriating slowness in the 
opening of Konqueror.)

Script bug:


In the original YDL 2.3 /etc/apt/sources.list incorrectly
has 2.2 in its last two lines where it should have 2.3



In both of the last two lines of /etc/apt/source.list, simply change 2.2 to 


Now apt-get will update qt for you when you do:

apt-get update
apt-get install qt

And that qt update fixes the slowness in KDE.


Thank you,

Roger Chrisman