time to start learning bash scripting

Geoffrey S. Mendelson yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Aug 26 14:55:01 2003

Stefan Jeglinski wrote:

> to start? From my naive world view, I know whether the program is 
> running based on
> 	ps caux |grep name_of_program

> The name_of_program in question will only ever have one instance in 
> the ps list, FWIW.

In this case there will be two.


:~>ps -ax |grep ps
 1087 ?        S      0:38 ypserv
 3746 pts/4    R      0:00 ps -ax
 3747 pts/4    S      0:00 grep ps

(I should have picked something other than ps)

I use the following bash code to see if more than one copy of a program
called cabelstart is running:

	CPS=`ps -ax | grep cablestart | grep -cv grep `

	if [ "2" == "$CPS" ] ; then
        	echo "ok starting cable connection"
        	echo "cablestart is already running."

But then I use the following perl code to determine if I need to convert
a file I downloaded or if it's already in the form I need. Note that
the files are called <something>.mp3 and the corrected files have the
same name in a subdirectory called "sony".

	$FILES=`ls *mp3`;
	@FILES = split('\n',$FILES);
	foreach $file (@FILES)
        	printf("checking %s\n",$file);
        	$out_name = "sony/" .  $file;
       	 	if ( -r $out_name)
                	printf("file already converted.\n");
        	system("rm temp.wav 2>/dev/null");
        	system("mpg123 -v -w temp.wav " . $file);
        	system("lame --resample 32   -b 128 temp.wav " . $out_name);
	system("rm temp.wav 2>/dev/null");

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm@mendelson.com 972-54-608-069
Icq/AIM Uin: 2661079 MSN IM: geoffrey_mendelson@hotmail.com (Not for email)
Carp are bottom feeders, koi are too, and not surprisingly are ferrets.