Security and IPchains

Derick Centeno
Wed Dec 10 17:42:02 2003

Background: Sometime ago I reported to this list that anaconda creates 
an image during an installation or reinstallation of its own security 
settings irregardless of whatever options selected by the user or Sys. 
This is so even if one selected a trusted device, and one was careful to 
select customized options as opposed to default.  

I have a nice reference text on Linux Sys. Admin. I used it to try to 
correct the above described problem and discovered that the installed 
kernel doesn't recognize ipchains!!  Here is a portion of the screen 
after I searched for (using the find command) where the ipchains command 

[root@arakus aguila]# cd /sbin
[root@arakus sbin]# ./ipchains -L
ipchains: Incompatible with this kernel
[root@arakus sbin]# ipchains -L
bash: ipchains: command not found
[root@arakus sbin]# ./ipchains -L
ipchains: Incompatible with this kernel
[root@arakus sbin]#

Any suggestions???