Beige G3 can't find root after install

Tobey Wheelock
Sun Dec 21 21:03:53 2003

On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 10:19:32AM -0800, Duane Foster wrote:
> Am working with a stock Beige G3 300Mhz,  196M ram,  UW SCSI 4G MacOS8.1 and 9G for YDL.
> Upon restarting Linux there is a kernel panic:

Here's what I did in a similar situation:

Remove the UW SCSI card & install onto one drive only.
Compile a kernel with support for my card built in.
Reattach the card & the second drive.
Rsync the second drive to the first.
Modify bootx to use the second drive.

There must be a way to get a kernel to find the correct SCSI module, but
I couldn't figure out how. Perhaps someone else on the list can tell us.

Tobey Wheelock