Which Powermac (G4/G5) to buy for YDL?

Ken Schweigert yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Dec 30 10:36:00 2003

On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 05:28:19PM +0100, jaspal kallar  wrote:
> Hi, 
> Thinking of getting a Powermac G4 (1.25) or G5 (1.6)
> and dual boot YDL with OS X.
> What would you do in my position considering that
> YDL is only beta on G5 and is quite stable on the G4?

If it were me I'd opt for the G5.  The fact that YDL is beta for the
G5 tells you that they are trying to support it.  I think I even 
remember reading a post by Dan saying that he had it running on one.

Partition your drive, put Ten on it and use it until there's a
stable version of YDL.  When it is released I think you'll be
glad you did.

I've never heard of anyone wishing they had a slower computer.  :)

Ken Schweigert, Network Administrator
Byte Productions, LLC