How to use IMS Twin Turbo 128M

nathan r. hruby
Wed Feb 12 08:09:01 2003

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Lee Parry wrote:

> So it can be done then? I have a TT 128 as my secondary adapter, and I was
> just ignoring it, and trying not to look at my redundant second monitor. :)

Err.. only if you enjoy random crashing.  The frambuffer device never
worked for me and I'd rather pull my teeth out than deal with it in X.  
Again, the Rage128 is a fairly standard card (across PC's and Macs), has
decent support on pretty much everything, and is about $20 w/shipping on  It's a crappy 3d card but a fine 2d card if ever I saw
one.  If you can just get one of these and make your life easy.

For those who enjoy pain...

nathan hruby <>
computer services specialist
uga drama