VideoLAN for PPC Linux
Mon Feb 17 09:27:01 2003

I've had it working on YDL. You just have to compile it yourself at 
this point. There are Debian PPC packages as well that I have installed 
on a Debian distro. Just get all the source code for all the required 
libs and it _should_ just work(TM).

This doesn't exactly prove you wrong, but it's step in that general 


On Monday, Feb 17, 2003, at 03:09 US/Pacific, hotFusion wrote:

> I recently discovered that my old friend from Mac OS X, VideoLAN, is 
> actually a Linux regular.  I am distressed to find that none of the 
> available packages appear to work with PPC versions of Linux and would 
> like someone to prove me wrong.
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