Ibook kernel headers

Stefan Bruda yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Feb 19 07:52:01 2003

At 10:08 -0400 on 2003-2-19 Gavin Hemphill wrote:
 >   Change to the source tree and save any .config file somewhere else 
 > then do a "make mrproper" move the config file back and do a "make 
 > oldconfig" and proceed from there.  This assumes you have NOT screwed 
 > around with any symbolic links in the /usr/include tree, if you have put 
 > them back to the original before you begin.

In fact, the "symbolic links" in /usr/include you talk about are not
symbolic links at all in the default YDL distributions.  They are
directories, holding a separate set of headers!  So you _have_ to
screw around with them, namely delete the directories and establish
symbolic links to the kernel source.

Yes, I forgot to mention this, you have of course to configure the
kernel source before being able to use the headers therein.


If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as
it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.
    --Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass