KDE 3.1

Dan Burcaw yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Jan 31 15:02:01 2003

On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 07:32, Brian Waite wrote:
> A consistent theme OK. A stripped down to the lowest common denominator, I 
> hope not. I also hope you will not follow the route of Redd Hat in removing 
> code you find objectionable, ala help dialogs.  :)
> Don't get me wrong I love YDL :)

I think you've been reading too much FUD. The "Bluecurve" changes are
all very little. In the first round, I think they did leave out "About
KDE".. but it has since been added back.. clearly it was a bad idea.

In fact, in their KDE 3.1 stuff, I see no Bluecurve related patches
to kdelibs, kdebase, etc.