Why Linux? (Concluded)

Ted Goranson yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Jul 1 22:28:00 2003

Many thanks to all who responded, most privately.

Here are some notes and conclusions from what you have told me:

-The comment on DIVX quality was concerning image quality and not 
speed. It seems to pertain only to Intel hardware.

-Windowz is probably a better bet for music piracy (but iTunes for playing).

-I owe it to myself to explore Xemacs, probably starting with Gnus, 
and noodle around with elisp/emacs sawfish customizations. Anything 
learned here will be Panther-ready. Secondly, if I am interested in 
functional programming, either go with Lisp or consider Python. In 
either case, stick with Linux.

-I should strongly consider doing my Lasso/Javascript projects in 
Bluefish (even though I know and love BBedit) just so I can 
experience the strength of good open source software.

-My original comment on alternative user interfaces did not mean 
Gnome/KDE versus Aqua, but REAL alternatives to WIMP (windows, icons, 
mouse, pointer). A good site I was pointed to was http://nooface.net, 
and I was advised to take Raskin's experimental The Human 
Editor/Environment (THE) seriously, even if I have to run it in MOL.


Best, Ted
Ted Goranson
Advanced Enterprise Research Office