3.1 soon?

Neben Kabon yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Jun 16 15:52:01 2003

On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 20:01, Thierry de Coulon wrote:
> On Monday 16 June 2003 18:45, Neben Kabon wrote:
> > The other alternative was to pay for the YDL.net service, which I am
> > sure was not smooth going at first by the posts I read on this list.  I
> > read a lot of complaints.  Perhaps they have the bugs ironed out now?
> > Personally, I don't like paying a monthly subscription fee.
> I payed for YDL.net and had no problem at all, neither downloading nor 
> installing. But of course you should have a fast connection and I did not 
> download the source cd's.

Glad to hear that.  Gives me some encouragement!

> For my iBook, 3.0 helped a lot over 2.3 (no more problems connecting an usb 
> mouse after start, sleep works perfect and so on. My only (small) complain is 
> the loss of the KDE login/logout.

I have noticed one problem (also an iBook) with YDL 3.0.  When I unplug
the USB mouse, I loose audio output (at least from XMMS) until I
reboot.  But this is far better than audio with YDL 2.3... and I bought
an ipod recently...
> Thierry
> -- 
> Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse.
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