Natalia Portillo yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Jun 19 18:43:01 2003

> >  It also is a 'case
> > insensitive, case preserving' (read 'worst of both worlds')  file 
> > system,
> Why would this be the worst of both worlds?  The very users for whom 
> case insensitivity is intended would also hate (with a 
> passion) any FS 
> that doesn't preserve case.
This is more an API question than a filesystem one.
Windows NT using NTFS is casepreserving-caseinsensitive when programs
use Win32 API, and case-preserving-casesentivie when programs use POSIX
Also, FAT is case-preserving, but as the DOS API always capitalize the
filenames, it seems not to users (it also support spaces, and NOT im not
saying VFAT or LFN, but original FAT).