2/3 buttom mouse emulation

Thierry de Coulon yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Jun 30 11:03:01 2003

On Monday 30 June 2003 03:39, Ned Dupont wrote:
> Hey. Thats a great idea. I saw, in "mouse-emulation", that F10 & F11 are
> listed as just that . Then I started wondering what I type to specify
> any of the other keys we use regularly. For example, what would I type
> to specify the apple key, the option key, the control key, or the shift
> key.
> Thanks,
> Ned Dupont

There is a utility listed in mouse-emulation that should do that. However it 
needs to be run from a console (NOT in a window with X running) and I have no 
time just now to do that. I found that code 96 is the "enter" key at the 
right of the right-Apple-key.


Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse.