ftp site

nathan r. hruby yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Mar 4 20:23:01 2003

On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, John M Phillips wrote:

> When trying to download the patched version of sendmail, I was seeing
> the site ftp.yellowdoglinux.com as an alias for jungle.metalab.unc.edu.

Yup.  metalab/ibiblio is the offical ftp site for YDL.  These machiens are 
mirrored around the globe and make finding a mirror easy.  Probably a lot 
easier than being mirrored by sourceforge.  And really better than the 
crappy new RHN do-a-survey-every-60-days-for-crappy-access-to-updates 

I'm pushing my campus to move to yum.  

> Further, the modification date for the sendmail rpm was given as
> 20-Sep-1956???  So I am a little paranoid.

Hurm, that is odd.  If you look around the YDL website there should be a 
md5 sum for the rpm.  Ahh.. here:
There are also instructions for verifying the packages using rpm as well.


nathan hruby <nathan@drama.uga.edu>
computer services specialist
uga drama