YDL 3.0 reviewers for TuxPPC

Spliced Networks yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Mar 8 22:06:01 2003


TuxPPC is taking a new approach to reviewing Linux distributions, in an 
attempt to be as neutral and as far as possible. We have hired a neutral 
third party to write and edit reviews of all Linux distributions for the 

Reviews can often be subjective, some people like a wide selection of 
applications, other people want a 40MB install. So the impression of 
something being good or bad can vary from person to person. As such, we'd 
like to get 10 to 20 reviews of YDL 3.0 from the actual users. It will 
take at most, 30 minutes to an hour of your time, and most of that can be 
reduced if you take notes while you do your installation or upgrade.

If you are interested, please contact me off list, and we'll pass along 
the email address to send your review and the template and guidelines to 
use when writing your review.

As an added bonus, we will send the best reviewer a $30 money order, so 
your copy of YDL 3.0 is more or less on us (unless YDL raise the price) :)

All of the reviews will be edited (for grammer and readability) and placed 
on TuxPPC, linked from the main YDL 3.0 review which will include the best 
opinions and feedback from all of the submitted articles as well as our 
reviewers opinions.
