OFF: Now I've seen everything (at the thriftshop)

Mon Mar 10 15:31:01 2003

Let me know if you see any BeBoxes for sale ;-)


At 02:05 PM 3/10/2003 +0000, you wrote:

>Today I saw at my favorite thriftshop 2 SGI Iris Indigo workstations.  I don't
>know anything about them except that they used to be insanely expensive.  They
>look like this model I found on eBay:
>Obviously they're not worth much anymore.  The question is, are they still
>useful for anything?  FWIW, they don't appear to have any accessories 
>  They are on the 'waiting to be priced' shelf, so I couldn't take a detailed
>look at them.
>BTW, this is the same thriftshop I've gotten G3 Macs for $40 and an Apple 20"
>display for $45.
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