Kernel compile problems

Evan Dorn
Tue Mar 18 16:50:01 2003

I'm trying to recompile a kernel, and getting huge problems I don't 
understand.   Most importantly, the problems that are caused are NOT 
fixed by restoring to the previous kernel, which confuses me.  Right 
now, to clean up and try again, I have to wipe the drive and reinstall 
YDL 2.3 from CD, which is very time consuming.  If anyone can help me 
figure out how to at least  restore my system to it's functioning state 
short of reinstalling from CD, I'd appreciate it.

The reason I'm trying to recompile my kernel is to enable the Promise 
pdc202xx ATA driver, which was pre-installed in ydl2.1 to support 
Sonnet Tempo cards, but seems to be left out of ydl 2.3.

Here's what I do:
I use menuconfig to enable the promise driver -- the only change
make dep; make vmlinux; make modules; make modules_install
I set up links to the new kernel and, copy the new kernel to 
/macos/System\ Folder/Linux\ Kernels/, and reboot.  Use BootX to select 
the new kernel.

Three problems occur:
1) SCSI no longer works and I can't boot, unless I select "force SCSI 
on" in BootX.  Didn't have to do this before.
2) system oops every time I try to bring up or access a network 
interface with ifconfig
3) still can't see my ATA drive anyway

Restoring vmlinux and to the old ones does NOT fix the 
Restoring the entire /boot and /usr/src/linux trees from backup also 
does NOT fix the problem.

Otherwise, this kernel is straight off the CD.  The only modules are 
sound and sound-dma, and I'm not changing them.

What else could be going on, if restoring the kernel doesn't fix it?  
I'm getting tired of wiping the drive and reinstalling YDL from CD, 
which is the only fix I've found.  It makes testing a very slow cycle, 
like one attempt per day.

I'd like to test to see if simply recompiling the kernel and modules 
with NO changes causes this problem.  I suspect that maybe it will...
