YDL 3.0 is out!

Michael H. Martel yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Mar 18 23:01:01 2003

--On Tuesday, March 18, 2003 9:43 PM -0700 Dan Burcaw 
<dburcaw@terrasoftsolutions.com> wrote:

> YDL 3.0 ISOs are available NOW for YDL.net Enhanced members at
> http://www.ydl.net.

Other than early access to the ISO images (Web and Email services don't do 
much for me, although it might be kinda neat to have an @ydl.net account 
...) is there a benefit to the Enhanced Service ?  Will updates (security 
and bug) be posted there sooner than to the normal mirrors ?

It just seems like a fair amount of change for the service when you can 
purchase the CD's for $85/$55/$25 .  YDL.net Enhanced $59 + $60 a year.  If 
you just purchase the $25 Geek CD's then you could buy 4 sets of them for 
the price of YDL Enhanced.  *shrug*  Just seems odd to me.

I'll probably end up buying it anyway.

Thanks for a great product!



   Michael H. Martel              | Systems Administrator
   martelm@quark.vsc.edu          | Vermont State Colleges
   http://probe.vsc.edu/~michael  | PH:802-241-2544 FX:802-241-3363