YDL 3.0 is out!

Rick Thomas yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Mar 19 13:15:00 2003


One more thing to forward to the YDL.Net engineer --

I thought it might be that my password was too long (more than 8
characters) so I tried to change my password to something equally secure
but 8 characters long.  The password change screen told me that I was
using an incorrect original password -- the same password that I had
just logged in with!  Weird!

Oh, and while I'm at it -- The  pages that demand and accept passwords
are not secure.  Please fix this ASAP!



	"Still a few bugs in the system..."  Calvin and Hobbs

Dan Burcaw wrote:
> I've forwarded this to our YDL.Net engineer to see whats up.