xinetd problem

Paul J. Lucas
Wed Mar 26 00:18:01 2003

	So, for a small UDP daemon I wrote, it seems as though xinetd is
	showing an old bug again.  Do a Google search for:

		"select reported EBADF but no bad file descriptors"

	(look in both Web and Groups).  The problem was supposedly
	fixed a while ago.  However, perhaps it was fixed only for TCP,
	not UDP.  The xinetd config file is:

		service ssdp
			id		= ssdp-rio
			type		= UNLISTED
			port		= 21075
			socket_type	= dgram
			protocol	= udp
			server		= /usr/local/sbin/rio-ssdp
			server_args	= -i -l -n -p 82
			user		= nobody
			wait		= yes
	The server code for running under inetd is trivial and roughly
	(in Perl):

		$client = recv( STDIN, $request, 80, 0 );                      
		send( STDOUT, "hello, world!\n", 0, $client );  

	Test client code is:

		#! /usr/bin/perl

		use IO::Socket;
		$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
			PeerAddr => '',
			PeerPort => 21075,
			Proto    => 'udp',
			Type     => SOCK_DGRAM,

		$sock->send( "hello?" );
		$sock->recv( $response, 80, 0 );
		print $response;

	You can try this out by installing the conf file, HUP'ing
	xinetd, and trying the client.  Then wait maybe half an hour.
	Then try again.  You'll get the "select reported EBADF but no
	bad file descriptors" in /var/log/messages and xinetd will stop
	responding to the port.

	If this kind of this is beyond the scope of this mailing list,
	anybody know how I can find out the maintained for xinetd?

	- Paul