YDL.net signon screen is not secure... What to do about it?

Jim Parks yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Mar 28 19:04:01 2003

Because if I were to even use the e-mail -- which I don't -- it would just 
be for posting here.  I understand that some people use the e-mail, and 
that they would like it secured.  But if it is going to be secured, just 
do it right so none of the members have to be inconvenienced goofing with 
funky certificates.

On 27 Mar 2003, Thomas Leonard wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 20:31, Jim Parks wrote:
> > Having said that, I really don't care if anyone sniffs my YDL password if 
> > TSS doesn't care enough to secure it.
> Why?  I suppose if you're just using it to download ISOs ok but you've
> got an email account there as well.  I want that mofo secure NOW :)