YDL.net signon screen is not secure... What to do about it?

Jim Parks yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Mar 28 19:08:01 2003

Yeah, that sounds simple and convenient... a LOT easier than TSS just 
buying a certificate.

On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, Atro Tossavainen wrote:

> > So, how about it, YDL.net'ers?  Would you be willing to accept a
> > self-signed certificate in order to keep your YDL.net password secure? 
> > I know I would.
> I'm not a YDL.net'er, but I would much prefer any login screens to be
> secured with SSL even if the cert was self-issued, if the alternative
> is raw HTTP which _will_ expose such information to all and sundry.
> If the SSL certificate brouhaha really is an issue, perhaps YDL could
> set up an SSH server with a public "ydl" account and no password where
> the shell only accepted one command: "exit".  The SSH daemon would be
> configured to accept port forwards only to the ydl.net site port 80.
> People would then use their ydl.net accounts through "http://localhost:N"
> where N is the port they chose for their end of the SSH tunnel.  The
> public key (fingerprint) for this SSH server would be made available
> through the store, as you suggested for the self-signed cert.