YDL 3.0 internet & date config

Felix Jodoin yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun May 4 12:30:01 2003

Hello, for once I am here to complain (and compliment)

I ran the non-graphical installer (graphical wouldn't work) and it 
worked great (except for me joking that I had an Nvidea card, I had to 
change it back after) and when I booted, I was impressed at everything 
in YDL 3. I then opened up mozilla, and it couldn't find www.google.ca. 
No problem, I went to the Network Control Panel and added the card 
again (DHCP). I clicked activate, and it wouldn't, and after a few more 
try's and restarts, it said /sbin/ipfw eth0: device not found. Also, I 
can't set the date, It won't open the redhat-config-date after 

please help soon!

"I hate windows xp"
"Who (within all sane people) doesn't?"