Trouble with Xserver on LCD iMac

Charles Trois
Mon May 26 09:42:01 2003

Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> This message is similar to your "car is on fire" without telling you
> why it caught fire. What it means is that your X windows server did not
> start.
> The question is why? Look in /var/log/XFree86.0.log for more messages,
> one of them may catch your eye. Meanwhile try this:
> (as root)
> cd /etc/X11
> mv XF86Config
> X -configure
> The screen should blink and you should get a message that the new config
> file has been saved in "/root/". If it fails, look at the
> messages. If it looks ok:
> mv /root/ XF86Config
> Try to start X:
> X
> If it works, you will be left with a gray screen and a mouse pointer in the
> middle. Exit X by pressing and holding ctrl and alt and then backspace.
> Reboot.
> Geoff.

Hello Geoff, 

I tried what you suggested, but got no success, and the messages did not
point to anything definite.
However, I tried to run Xautoconfig (as I ought to have done to begin with),
and this worked. The system seems to be now in order.

Thank you very much at any rate for your help.
