VDQ : upgrade 3.0 -- which way?

nathan r. hruby yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon May 26 12:24:01 2003

On Mon, 26 May 2003, Beartooth wrote:

> On Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 10:44:02 -0600 (MDT), "nathan r. hruby" 
> <nathan@drama.uga.edu> lucubrated and expounded:
> > 
> > A glob in yum is a flieglob, the same semantics that your shell uses
> > to figure out filenames: "foo*" means "everything starting with foo"
> 	Is that supposed to read fileglob? Not that I make head or tail 
> of it either way -- you're far over my head.

Yes.  http://hostingworks.com/support/dict.phtml?foldoc=glob

> > > > In short - 
> > > > yum update
> > 
> > No.  update will update things with a different take on dependancies,
> > if you're doing an *upgrade* use 'yum upgrade'
> 	You tell me. I've had the CDs for something like a month, during 
> which there've bugfixes, security fixes, and God knows what all other 
> stuff. The iBook is basically my wife's, though I also use it when away 
> from home. I want her to be able to just sit down and use it, as she & I 
> both did at the Library of Congress, where we had layer above layer 
> above layer of skilled and specialized people backing us up. I at least 
> find linux fun -- when I'm not overwhelmed. She won't.

If you have 3.0 installed, and just want updates, use 'yum update', if you 
have something like 2.3 installed, and want to upgrade it to 3.0, you'll 
need to use 'yum upgrade'  I don't know what you're trying to do.


> > After that, it will tell you what packages you need to upgrade, and
> > what additional packages you need to install to satisfy dependancies.  
> 	If/when it gets so far? How long should I let it alone in hope 
> of that? Ten more minutes? A hundred? It's been going something like 
> half an hour or an hour, and there are tewnty-odd screns of fine print 
> there now.

Again, it depends on what you're trying to do.  Yum can take a long time
on slower machines as well.  AS a references, a yum upgrade of a *minimal*
(no X, Gnome, etc..) RedHat 7.0 install to 7.3 on a 200Mhz PPro with 128
MB's of RAM took about 20 minutes of processing time just to figure out 
what it needed to do.  If you have lots and lots packages, espically ones 
with cross-linked dependancies (such as Gnome) it'll take a good bit 
longer.  This was for an upgrade, not an update.  Updates should be 
shorter as the delta is only typically a few pacakges, not a whole mess of 

> > A "yum upgrade" will also look at the Obsoletes headers in each RPM
> > and make sure things that need to get removed because newer RPM's
> > replace them in fact are.
> 	I.e., the upgrade is preferable to the update??

If you're going from 2.3 -> 3.0 (eg: an actual upgrade)
If you're jsut trying to get erratta, 'update' is the command to use

> > This will be a *very* large delta becasue you're updating updating
> > every single package on the system.  25 GB I think would be enough.  
> 	Good goddlemityDAM! If it fills *that* up, I'm zonked: 25GB is
> the size of the whole YDL installation!

25Gb should be more than enough.  There are 3 YDL-3.0 cd's for a total of 
about 2GB of stuff.  An *upgrade* would need
  The current disk space of the current install
+ The space for all the new packages to be downlaoded
+ The space for the headers to be downlaoded
+ Temp space for package expanding, scripts
+ Temp space for the RPMDB
+ Space for additional RPM tr5ansactions in the RPMDB

Assumimg you did a 2.3 Everything install, you;d have about 2 GB on disk, 
plus about 2.5 GB for all the downloads, plus another 600MB-1GB for RPM to 
do stuff in, so in total you'd need max. about 6BG total space, and at 
least half that should be free space.

If you have DivX copies of all your DVD's on your laptop as well, it's 
possible that you may run into space issues - See my point?  25 GB may or 
may not be enough, dpending on *your* utilization of the disk.

> > If you're worried do a 'yum list installed' and then use 'yum remove'
> > to thin down that list be removing things you don't need.
> 	Just type what's in your quotes, and hit enter? It seems 
> remarkably bassackward -- more sense, if I understand you (and I doubt 
> that) would be only to take what I need in the first place. 

That's why there are different installation classes in the installer 
(Home/Office, Server, Development, Everything, etc..)  Sometimes still you 
either install packages that you decided later you don;t need, or just get 
installed that you know you'll never use (eg: taper is probably installed, 
and I bet you'll never use it)

Doing a 'yum list installed' will simple give you a list of what's 
installed via RPM on your system.  Look though that list, see what you 
need/don;t need.  IF you don;t know what a package does, do a 'yum info 
<package_name>' and yum will tell you some details about it.  Note the 
stuff you don't need, and then do a 'yum remove package_1 package_2'  Yum 
will look at your pacakges, look at what you want to remove, and then 
remove those packages and any packages that depend on those packages (eg: 
we're you to try to yum remove glibc, you;d end up removing every package 
also, as all packages pretty much depending it.. get it?  It's a cascading 
effect.)  the nice part is that yum will always ask you about things 
before doing it, so if you do 'yum remove glibc' you'll get a 
confirm prompt before it takes action, so watch what you're doing and if 
you see something about to be removed that you want/need/require, jsut 
answer "no"

> 	Surely 'yum remove' needs a list of targets? If I knew how to
> tell which to specify -- i.e., which I either use, or need available to
> be called by things I use -- I wouldn't be asking this. I'm *years* of 
> work away from being able to read down the list saying "keep this, toss 
> that, keep this ..."

Yes, see above to answer both questions.

> > Also note that yum will download the packages to /var/cache/yum by
> > default, so make sure you have anough space on var to handle all of
> > the packages, plud RPM's database and anything else that gets added to
> > /var.  
> 	That would make sense if I had any idea how to do it -- I think
> ...

do a "df -h" this will tell your the usage for each partition you have 

> > If you don't think you have enough space on /var for this, you can
> > move /var/yum/cache to a bigger partition and then symlink
> > /var/yum/cache to the new loaction.  /etc/yum.conf also allows you to
> > chnage the localtion as well.
> 	Well, I know it's possible to move things from one partition to
> another. And I think I have a faint glimmering what a symlink is. But I
> have no idea how to *do* either, and wouldn't recognize it if it got
> baked into a pie and thrown in my face. For about a year and a quarter
> now, I've been spending more time on linux than even an old retired fart
> can afford -- and we still have to settle the contract on the new house, 
> move into it, unpack, arrange our worldly goods, ....
> > Once the update is done, you can do a 'yum clean' do remove all of the
> > used/unneeded stuff.
> 	Do I do that -- as I certainly hope -- before I tell it to 
> install anything? 

Huh?  Install what?  I don't know what you're trying to install?

nathan hruby <nathan@drama.uga.edu>
computer services specialist  
uga drama & theatre                        
reality is a moving target