Mare's Nest : part 1 of 2

Fri May 30 14:44:01 2003

	It would seem that my two recent posts, a protest and a query,
have created confusion thrice compounded. I will try to address it in
this post and another following, to be called Mare's Nest part 2.

	The protest was a rant against blunders in the YDL 3.0 manual,
supplemented as it demands by the web and by a pamphlet, which
accommpanies the manual and also appears on the web. The situation is so
far below the standard set by YDL 2.3 and its manual that I called each
blunder a "crock." I ended that post by saying that I was about to
abandon the manual, and try installing straight from the boughten CDs,
using only the directions on them, and would report.

	The query reported the results of that try, with a G3 iBook
purchased 8/02 from Terrasoft with 25GB of 2.3, 9GB of OSX (1.0, since
upgraded to 1.5), and 1GB of OS9 (never booted), and asked how best to
bring it up to date. I will try report and query again in Mare's Nest
part 2.

	DISCLAIMER: there seems to've been at least one person who
imagined that "crock" meant I was insinuating some sort of *intentional*
blunder on someone's part. That had never occurred to me, and never
would have.

	Had I had more leisure, less anger, and the benefit of
hindsight, I'd've done better to couch the protest in terms of what I'll
call the Ohio Law Blunder, after its classic type example, and then
simply listed the OLB's in the manual, without further denunciation. The
Ohio State Legislature is suppposed to have once actually passed a law
prescribing that "Whenever two automobiles shall meet, both shall stop,
and neither shall proceed till the other has gone."

	To imagine anyone would intentionally commit OLBs, at YDL or
anywhere else, is exactly as silly as to suppose that unfortunate
legislature *intended* to stop all traffic and render the State
ridiculous. I ask lots of Very Dumb Questions, to be sure; but, excuse
me, I'm not *that* dumb.

	And last, a very small point of personal privilege: inevitably,
someone advised me to RFM. But the point of my rant was that I *had*
read the manual, *and* the pamphlet, *and* the web site -- repeatedly
and carefully: it was only when I abandoned them, faute de mieux, and
went to the CDs alone, that I was able to do the install. That's why I
think I have a rant to rant about! (As I said originally, the CDs 
worked, and worked well, though not perfectly -- that will be Mare's 
Nest 2.)

Beartooth Implacable <karhunhammas (at)> 
FREE at last: Retired to the Mountains, No Mortgage
Keep in mind that I know barely enough of this stuff to ask about it!