iBook does not sleep after recent yum update...

Longman, Bill yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Oct 1 09:47:03 2003

> A trick to keep recalcitrant daemons running....behold, the power of
> inittab! do a 'man inittab'. You want to add an entry for the 
> daemon you
> want to be respawned as a line entry. Then, init will not 
> only start it
> on boot, but will respawn the daemon if it ever goes down. 
> Within a few
> seconds, even!
> I use it for all my "mission critical" daemons. Once you get 
> it working,
> it works. Be careful, though. I had a problem with a bad 
> library causing
> a process to be spawned so quickly it brought the box to its 
> knees.Took
> me about 1/2 hour to figure it out. Note which daemons you 
> put in there
> is the lesson to be learned.

Indeed! I learned the hard way, a long time ago, that processes spawned from
inittab should NOT be run as daemons. That is, the process must run
synchronously -- NOT IN THE BACKGROUND -- otherwise init will think it's
gone and refork a process.

That's how I brought down our production data base server when I was a wee