12" Power Book how to get an @ sign??

Christopher TESSONE yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Oct 13 11:55:01 2003

>>>>> "Christoph" == Christoph Bosshard <chboss@hispeed.ch> writes:

    Christoph> Hello List Got my 1Ghz 12" Power book to work
    Christoph> nicely....

    Christoph> The only problem left is that I can not e-mail since I
    Christoph> can't find the @ sign on my keyboard.

    Christoph> On OsX the @ is mapped to alt+G...  Any hints about
    Christoph> keyboard configuration or the buttons I need to press
    Christoph> are appreciated!

I'm confused.  Does the 12" Powerbook have a wildly different keyboard
from other Apple laptops?  Why doesn't Shift-2 work?


Christopher A. Tessone
Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois
BA Student, Russian and Mathematics