cups and ydl 3.0.1 (update + miscellaneous notes)

Donu Arapura
Wed Oct 15 08:58:09 2003

Just a quik follow up to my earlier mail -- in case
anyone runs into similar problems.

 > But I'm totally
> stumped trying to get my printer, a Samsung  ML-1710 usb,
> to work. I should point that I had this working
> under Ydl 2.2 a couple of days ago, and it works
> find under MacOS9 now, so I don't think it's a
> hardware issue.

I had to run printconf-gui (as root) to set
the correct driver from the pulldown menu.
It didn't list this particular model, but the driver
(gdi) for the Samsung ML-1210 seems to
work OK.

> When I try to restart cups by hand I get
> the following error message:
> Is this known issue, or is just my setup?

It was just my setup, which I fixed. It seems
unlikely that anyone else will encounter this,
so I won't go into details.

- Donu
PS: Here are a few other notes which I wrote
as reminder to myself in case I have to do this
again. Perhaps they may helpful to you.

1) I installed the "workstation" package
and I noticed sendmail  was running by default. I shut
it off with
  /sbin/chkconfig --level 0123456 sendmail off
since I don't need or want it running.

2) I have a ViewSonic VA700 monitor. The initial settings
for X didn't come out right. I had to run Xautoconfig (from
the shell) and then edit
to get the correct specifications
(HorizSync 30-82, VertRefresh 50-75, mode 1280x1024)

3) I had to manually do
  ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom
  mkdir /mnt/cdrom
before I could use the cdrom.

4) I have macos 9 on partition 10 on first drive,
and I need to boot from it on rare occasions.
So I added
above "defaultos..." in /etc/yaboot.conf, and ran