how to map Command key to Esc on X

Aurelio Marinho Jargas
Tue Sep 2 14:02:01 2003


i'm aurelio from brazil, this is my first message to the list.
i'm a happy YDL 3.0 user :)

i use vim a lot, but this little Esc key on my ibook is
just too little to be pressed everytime (as Vim requests).

i think i don't use the Command key (the apple one), so i
wanted to map it to Esc.

i like linux on the text mode, so i've changed my current
keyboard mapping "us-acentos" to do the maping:

   $ gunzip -c /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/ |
     grep '^key.*Escape' 

   keycode   1 = Escape           Escape          
   keycode 125 = Escape           Escape          

and it worked well. Esc'ing with the thumb rocks :)

but as now i play with some mozilla and other graphic
monsters, i wanted to do the same mapping under X.
i'm 100% Luser on X, and tryed to play with the xmodmap

i've tryed 3 ways, but none worked under xterm.

1. created a ~/.xmodmaprc file with the following content:

   keycode 125 = Escape

2. added the same line to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/etc/xmodmap.std

3. executed the following command on WindowMaker autorun:

   xmodmap -e "keycode 125 = Escape"

step 3 seemed to "activate" the config:

   $ xmodmap -pk | grep Esc
         9         0xff1b (Escape)
       125         0xff1b (Escape)

but when i press the Command key nothing happens.

anybody could help me to make this work?

just in case: YDL3.0, ibook 300MHz, 64Mb RAM, 3.2Gb HD

Aurelio Marinho Jargas - Floripa
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