Jason Lee yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Sep 10 08:35:01 2003

Antti Heinonen wrote:

>Hi, im having problems configuring DHCP in YDL console.. I bought a router 
>today that gives out addresses with DHCP, i just cant get the YDL machine 
>obtain one.. 
I've noticed that sometimes one of the eth devices does not come up on 
boot. As root, you could try the following (this assumes eth0 is your 
wired - not wireless - ethernet device):

ifup eth0

(to take a adapter down issue the command: ifdown eth0 )

Also, you can check the /var/log/messages for any possible errors after 
the above command. And for boot, you can check /var/log/dmesg; it 
usually has any boot time eth* messages.

As for your eth0 possibly not being configured correctly, this is what 
eth0 for dhcp *may* look like:

file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0


The key is to make sure BOOTPROTO=dhcp is in there. Sometimes the 
install doesn't set things correctly. Hope this helps,

- Jason