PPC 8500/150

Guy McArthur yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Sep 17 16:53:01 2003

> Then you'd write that image onto a Mac-formatted floppy. I use 
> NTrawrite which is available on sourceforge, but there are plenty of 
> other ways. Now you'll boot straight into Linux. Their installer uses 
> it, so you can wipe out all your MacOS partitions during the install 
> and have a pure Linux system (which is what I did).
Just to make it clear, this method works to do either
1) install and boot Debian onto a system without requiring MacOS before 
or after
2) boot YellowDog after install, bypassing the MacOS partition(s) [they 
could be reformatted]

Hopefully, someone will figure out how to use it to boot into the 
YellowDog installer from cd!
