headless dual boot [solved]

Jason DeVita yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Apr 16 12:37:02 2004

I did it!  Here's how: I left yaboot.conf with linux as the default OS.
So then if I want to reboot into linux from OSX, I just have to make sure
that the OpenFirmware variable "boot-command" is set to it's default value
and reboot:

/user/sbin/nvram boot-command=mac-boot
shutdown -r now

Then the reboot will execute mac-boot, which will run yaboot, which will
default to linux.  To boot into OSX from linux, I run:

/sbin/nvsetenv boot-command "hd:4,\System\Library\CoreServices\BootX
shutdown -r now

Then the reboot will execute the OSX start disk (BootX) directly without
using yaboot at all.  And voila -- remote OS switching.
