lists vs forums ... response requested

Thu, 05 Aug 2004 13:36:35 -0400

On Wed, 04 Aug 2004 20:42:04 -0700, Olaf Olson wrote:

> "Keep in  mind that I know very little of what I'm talking about!"
> Nice tagline, but you know more than I do. What's gmane?

Using Pan 0.14.2, you click on Tools > News Servers > Add ; then tell it It carries a huge variety of lists in usenet format --
particularly useful for lists you want to scan, actually reading only few
of the posts -- and most particularly for lists on any listserver I know
of other that Listserv : i.e., any that lack the INDEX option (which I
keep hoping mailman will get, but not seeing)

Beartooth Implacable, curmudgeonly codger learning linux
Hunting is life, life hunting --
all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.