Airport card, hostap and WPA supplicant

Derick Centeno aguilarojo at
Wed Dec 22 08:02:28 MST 2004

On Wed, 2004-12-22 at 07:11, Geert Janssens wrote:
> Quite risky, adding to my own totally off-topic post ;-)
> But before this starts another flame war, I just wanted to add for 
> completeness sake that I also think there are times it's useful 
> referring to other distributions, or operating systems.
> That's part of carefully verifying whether an answer really matters in 
> the context of the question and the mailing list.
> I'll shut up now.
> Geert Jan
> _______________________________________________

Thanks Geert:
I do understand what you are pointing at but here is what occurred prior
to what you commented upon (which I do appreciate in the spirit of its

I originally provided a link reference pertaining to hostap and pointed
out that according to the reference hostap is for a card which is not
Apple's.  I also mentioned that he ought to upgrade the kernel and YDL
as he was using YDL 2.3; my other comments were merely comparative as
Apple's card and software, if he had it, may be able to function within
that environment without hostap.  But it made no sense to speak of what
might work on the Linux or YDL side unless the individual upgraded
first, anyway.

If my reply to the original query to the list is reviewed and the
sentence that was taken out of context is viewed back within it's
context I believe that what I wrote is not particularly exciting.

However, my reply to which you were commenting upon was in response to
one of my sentences being not only taken out of context but being forced
into a meaning I did not intend.  I will tolerate editors as I, and
anyone who writes, must, but I do not appreciate my words being bent out
of shape because others did not understand my intent or view and twists
them instead to their own view of my intentions and again misrepresent
it as mine.

I really don't like that Geert.  And I've the right to reply my lack of
appreciation at such underhandedness.

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