ALSA problamo

a monkey thechimp at
Thu Dec 23 18:36:52 MST 2004

Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

>a monkey wrote:
>>Ok, I got sound playing thru my speakers fine, and the sound is pretty 
>>good quality. It's just that when I play sound it's sort of snappy, like 
>>a really old, crackly record.
>It depends upon the hardware speed. The Mac's sound system can only play
>samples at 11.25k, 22.5k. and 44.1k (CD) speeds. PC sound hardware can
>play at almost any speed. If your sound file was done at a different sample
>rate, something has to convert it (or plays it at the nearest speed).
Well then I guess this is sort of a problem when playing streams, 
because the sample rate has to be converted on demand. Any workarounds?

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