Yum Update: Great in Theory not in Practice

Daniel Gimpelevich daniel at gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us
Fri Dec 31 11:39:54 MST 2004

It would appear that EVERY mirror in the US is broken in some way in
regard to YDL4. You gotta go north of the border. As for FreshRPMs, the UK
mirror does quite nicely. Here is a yum.conf file you can use:


name=Yellow Dog Linux 4.0 Base
name=Yellow Dog Linux 4.0 Updates

name=Yellow Dog Linux 4.0 Extras

name=Yellow Dog Linux 4.0 FreshRPMs

name=Yellow Dog Linux 4.0 FreshRPMs OS

name=Yellow Dog Linux 4.0 FreshRPMs Updates

On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 22:24:53 -0800, Jason Whitney wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have recently downloaded 4.0 and installed, everything works fine, 
> (well the modem is still a big ?)--- but there is one caveat.
> Yum update fails each time I try, I get about 20% of the kernel-sources 
> and then it stops.  Just like that, the connection, poof.  I've tried 
> many times to no avail.  Hoping freshrpms would be a solution I tried 
> to add them to yum.conf but apparently got the syntax wrong because 
> after that yum stopped working altogether.
> So to sum it all up, what's a better yum.conf not just for reliable 
> updates but also for "other" packages?
> Any input would be great.
> - Jason
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