How about a newer GnuCash on YDL 3.0.1?

Duke Robillard
Mon Feb 2 12:21:01 2004

So, I've just gotten YDL 3.0.1 running on my new TiBook, and
it's very nice.   It was actually the easiest Linux installation
I've done (I've done about a dozen or so).

One thing, though--the GnuCash it comes with dates from
<echo> The Dawn Of Time </echo>.   :-)  I've been using
GnuCash 1.8.x on my RedHat box, and the YDL one (1.6.something)
can't read the files, which makes me sad.

GnuCash has a reputation for being a bear to get built,
because it uses every support library ever created.
I searched around and couldn't find that anyone had
ported a newer one. I'm brave, though, so I'm gonna
give it a shot.

Before I do though, I thought I'd check to see if anyone
else already has, or tried and discovered an impassable
roadblock, or something.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
