on YDL -- Not Quite There?

Clinton MacDonald
Sun Feb 15 07:47:01 2004


Here is my rant about and, by
extension, Yellow Dog Linux. Feel free to delete this
message if rants bore or otherwise enrage you:

My main ax (a Titanium PowerBook G4) was temporarily
out of commission, so I thought I would work on a
grant application on my Wallstreet PowerBook running
Yellow Dog Linux 3.0. Lately, I had been going to the
Wallstreet more and more for mainstream uses, and this
seemed like the perfect solution. 1.0.2
on YDL seemed like the perfect application to work on
the grant, which I had saved in RTF format.

About 60 seconds into my use of OO.o, I wanted to copy
some text to place elsewhere in the document. Copy and
paste does not work in OO.o. Let me say that again:
copy and paste does not work in 1.0.2
in Yellow Dog Linux.

A word processor without copy/paste is like a bicycle
without wheels.

I looked at KWord and AbiWord, but each of them had
flaws, too (usually unreadable fonts), but were at
least usable. I could have moved on with either of
them at this point. However, at this point, I tried to
copy text from Konsole and paste it into Mozilla. That
didn't work, either.

Right now, I am using the Wallstreet that I have
rebooted into Mac OS X. It's slow and ponderous, but
it gets 5-6 hours of battery life (with two
batteries), and copy and paste *ALWAYS* works.


Best wishes,

Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald
AT sbcglobal DOT net>