Dual boot ydl and OS X

Greg Hamilton yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Feb 17 17:25:02 2004

My iBook currently has YDL 3.0.1 and OS 9 installed. I'd like to 
install OS X 10.3 as well. I believe OS 9 and OS X can be installed on 
the same partition so I don't think I'll need to blow away OS 9.

Will installing Panther overwrite my boot block requiring me to 
re-install yaboot? If so how do I do this?

Do the problems associated with 10.2.8 and YDL also apply to 10.3? I 
think I should be OK here as I believe the solution to the 10.2.8 
problem was to upgrade to a 2.4.22 kernel. I'm using 2.4.22-2g 
installed using yum.

Does MOL support Panther yet?
