Building Gaim on Yellow Dog 3.0.1

Konstantin Ryabitsev
Wed Feb 18 11:31:03 2004

Christopher Murtagh wrote:
>>I have been building gaim on various Unix's and Linux's without too much 
>>trouble since about version .4x. After installing Yellow Dog one of the 
>>first things I tried was to get the latest gaim and build it. While it 
>>builds fine with not even any warnings it just won't run. Every attempt 
>>to use any of the protocols pretty well results in a Seg fault. Does 
>>anyone know of a secret to building gaim on Yellow dog? Any help would 
>>greatly appreciated.
>  I didn't have any problems with it on my end. I grabbed the src.rpm and
> rebuilt it. It took a long time on my aging G4/400MHz but I use it every
> day.

Also, notably segfaults during build indicate a lot of the time memory 
or CPU problems. Since there is no memtest86 alternative for ppc 
(sadly), I can't offer any solution to test the memory for faults. :/ We 
need memtestppc. :)

Konstantin ("Icon") Ryabitsev
Duke Physics Systems Admin, RHCE
I am looking for a job in Canada!