YDL on G4 ibook or building xfree86

Jari Oksanen yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Feb 20 07:55:29 2004

On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 21:57, mare@wanadoo.nl wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently installed YDL 3.0.1 on my brandnew G4 ibook.
> The command line interface works great but there are no graphics available.
> It seems the ATI radeon 9200 card is not supported.
> Has anyone made this work ?
Yes, I have. You just got to find the new kernel that Dan Burcaw built
at the Yellow Dog, but hasn't released. With that kernel you can get X
as a frame buffer device: Good looking, but 2D. Moreover, I built the
very same XFree86 snapshot (and there is now a newer one available), and
got no error when I built it from their files directly. With that I got
even 3D acceleration (tuxracer worked). However, XFree86 looks like too
pervasive to be built outside the package management system, so I still
use framebuffer in my recent installation, but with Fedora ppc XFree86

> I tried to build the xfree86 from a development snapshot (
> after giving the command 'make World' it was working for 1,5 hour and then 
> stopped with error 2.
BTW, it looks that you need to install more packages to build the
XFree86 (png devel?).

cheers, jari oksanen
J.Oksanen, Oulu, Finland.
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