apt-get/yum repositories

Brian Barr yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Feb 23 06:43:01 2004

On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 20:47:03 -0700 (MST)
yellowdog-general-request@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com wrote:

> Is there an RPM repository which has newer RPMs that I can enter in a 
> conf file ?  I'd like, for example, to install gtkpod, Gnome 2.4, 
> Mozilla Firefox, and some other stuff that doesn't seem to be present in 
> in the default repositories.
> Thanks!
> /Scott

www.freshrpms.net is the best (IMHO) unofficial repository for yellowdog that I've seen...but it doesn't have any of the above packages.

But if you decided that they were burning issues, you could package them, start your own apt-get/yum repository and post back here with the URL so others would benefit from your work!

Good luck!