YDL in Mac OS X Hints today

Stefan Bruda yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun Feb 29 08:24:01 2004


At 08:31 -0600 on 2004-2-29 Clinton MacDonald wrote:
 > >> It doesn't fly if pmud dies mysteriously every second
 > >
 > > Never happened to me. (ibook2, 600Mhz, YDL 3.0.1)
 > Happens all the time to me (PowerBook G3 "Wallstreet"). One thing I
 > have learned is that pmud can't handle new hardware at
 > all. Slipping in my second battery will kill pmud, as will plugging
 > in a mouse. However, there are other times when pmud just quits.

You may want to try pbbuttonsd as pmud replacement.  It seems better
at detecting new hardware (I am using version 0.5.4b).

 > Can you copy from the Konsole and paste into Mozilla? How about vice 
 > versa? I can't.

The usual Unix copy and paste (select to copy, middle clickk to paste)
works for me in any application I can think of (including Mozilla,
OpenOffice).  Am I missing something here?

 > yum and apt-get are marvelous! They are great for installation of that 
 > subset of programs that are available to them. For anything outside that 
 > universe, it is chaos.

I have never understood why people are shy when it comes from
compiling from sources.  I agree that the RPM-ed version of many
applications is ancient, that's why about half of my applications are
built from sources.  Except for the odd package now and then the build
process implies typing ./configure; make; make install and that's it.

Yet another $0.02 ends here.


If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as
it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.
    --Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass